Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Dear Friend !!! I would like to dedicate this blog for you all!!!

Hello Friends,

Date : Jan 2010 This is not my first blog, but this is true that this is the first blog for my friend!! Now you all can imagine how much i love you all!! First think i would like to say that, this is not my blog this will be our blog and we all will be the members of this blog.I hope you all are agree with this...

For past 8 years we are friends and hope rest of our life will be friends and will be in contact and this will help us to know more about this nice feeling called friend ship!!!!!!!Best ship in the world!!

As you know i am not a web designer or a software engineer so i will not have that skills to make this blog attractive and interesting but i know one thing in our team there are lot of good friends are there who know web designing and they are we expert in this..So i like to request to those who know this art come forward and take the owner ship of creating a wonder full web site for us or for our sweet friendship!!!!!!!! yea now i also have the same feeling like you Ki i am really crazy!!

So lets start introduction about our collage!! Sorry our sweet collage!!!

The Government Polytechnic College, Vennikulam started functioning in the year 1984 under the Department of Technical Education, Government of Kerala.This Institution is located in Vennikulam village of Puramattom Grama Panchayath, Mallappally Taluk, Pathanamthitta district.(Near to my house--OK)!!!!!!! Main interesting point is batch 2002-2005 was the terrific batch ever seen in history of this polytechnic !!! And best part of this polytechnic is dedicated Professionals and its canteen. I hope you all will have some good comments on our canteen!!!

I am sure like me all of you will had a some good moments from this institution,As we aware the politics was the unavoidable and unforgettable part of this institution and every day we will wait for strike especially whenever there is a exam !!! How we can forget Roby Mon,Anu P David and Benny C S and so on ...really there were legend of our poly !!!! Aha Aha Aha .I dont know why now i have feel that Ki i missed politics and Gusti !!!

Dear Friends, May be some of you forget that i joined in your team after one year because i was at Vecho poly and from there we 3 Alen,Roby and myself got transfered to vennikullam poly and at the very first day i got a very good friend called lord Hari Krishnan, Really he is a nice human!! sorry still he is a nice human.You know why i mentioned nice human because he deserved it!!! Best think of his character is that ki his helping mentality and his humor !!! I will always try to be like that but i cant, i dont know why simply i cant!! Da Hari! simply kidding, Dont take it as in that %%###$#$#$&*** way....

How i can forget my other friends like Julie T K(AMAMA),Mugesh,Rajeev,Mowmitha,Remya. Soumya,Renjith(both),prasanth,vijeesh and all other friends(sorry list of friends are too big thats why i specified others).

Request:---- please use this blog,U all will have access to this blog !!let me know if any one is facing any problem while editing this blog !!As of now only this much, but dont worry i will continue this when ever i will have free time...!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date Feb 2010: Yea today i am writing this blog with little bit of emotions because day after tomorrow i am moving to KSA(Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) for a project called PNU and i am little bit scared too !!! I don’t know why but as u all know i am a person who will always resist change!!! i don’t like big changes in my life but i will be board if there will not be a change !!!

Dear Team mates i am again and again requesting to you all, please use this blog and share ur Exp in your life!!Ok Bye for now but I will come back once i reach there at KSA!!!! hi hi hi

Date: Feb 27 2010: Hi friends today i reached at X actually i reached yesterday but due to check-in queue i got delayed for 8 hours, But i realized the meaning of freedom and attitude of these peoples.They will not consider us a humans they are thinking that we are slaves but one day will come oil will be the worst and unwanded shit in the world .Now every country is trying to generate energy in efficient way that means cost effective.I heard that all developing countries are exploring nuclear energy but main problem is that we can create hug amount of energy but still we are not able control that energy. Once humans will succeed on this then these these guys will come India and will work for daily wages!!! Really friends they are thinking that they are supreme over other but truth is that they dont know anything simply fools !!! Please friends never come to X for any project unless there is a urgency of money!!! but i know one main point who ever living in X will not go to hell because this is a hell so they will feel original hell as a heaven !!!
Now i am staying in a hotel and it is huge with all the facility but i am not happy because i want go home and want enjoy with my parents,sister and friends but i know this is not possible because life is a mixture of happiness and Sorrow. May be current pain will lead all of us to bright and wonderful life !!! I know we all are not happy with our current situation we are not happy due to n number of problems !!

Friend its tool late,tomorrow i have to go at project site and need to start my work bye for now !!! Sorry i forget to say some main points, Today our hari helped me lot, He charged my internet telephone account and provided lot of other information abt this place !!! But he will not allow me to say a Thanks !! So I am using this platform to say thanks to god for giving a wonderful friend !!! Hari i am just kidding dont take it in that scene !!!
Good Night !!!

March 11 2010:- Hi friends.. How r u all ...I hope all u r fine !!!!!

I am almost OK with Riyadh and trying to adjust with this atmosphere. Previous i had big problem but now its some what adjustable !! Today i got time line for my first assignment but i am not sure whether i can complete with in time or not. Today one of my friend came from Kerala and he also join in our team and he have very good idea about this project!! His name is Prasad Kulangara and he is also a CCIE but not like me,he deserve that certification!!!

Today i had a plan for visiting Hari but his mobile number is not reachable so i drop that plan for now.Tomorrow is holiday for me but need to prepare a lot on project !!

Good Night my Friends !!!!

March 23 2010:- Hi friends !!! Last two three days was good.That means now i am ok with this place and work..Sorry i forget to inform u all that i moved to a new room in riyadh..Its really good but little bit costly.Some time will think that i am spending too much time but we should spend money for our needs because we have only one life to live.So now i not thinking about these all stuffs..Today we reached office at 8:25 and starded our work at 9:00 but i new had such a borring time in office .. From morning to evening we are preparing some design document and searching in internet,telling some foolish thinks and comming back to our sweet room..really i like my room very much beacause it is very good!! it contain a big hall.... one dinning room...then one nice kichen..2 bed room..2 wash room..and one small passage and most lovable and sweet think is my room mates...Shaji,Sajith,Prasad and one and only Venkat G. All are very helpfull and funny guys...

April 30 2010: - Hello Friend... Hope all are doing well good and enjoying ur life in Kerala!!!!!! I am fine here..Every day i will wake up at 7:00 and will try to finish all $%%^& before 7:30 because 7:45 my office cab will come and i will go to office ... after a Saudi Tour at 8:35 we will reach in over dam work place ...U all can’t imagine how beautify it is ..1000 of big crains,100 of big big building were still they have to place bricks to complete it(means construction is going on),Full of dust,1000 of bunks and few warehouses...Now i hope u all got a fair idea about my work place... But i am considering this as a new experience.. This is a chance to understand the problems of our people working in middle east and other countries!!! But whatever it is we all will be thrilled at month ending because next week will get our salary ...Most of the guys will be very happy when they covert this oil papers(Riyals) into INR......Now a days i am very much interested to work in Kerala ... Some time i will think to start a small a institute in Ernakulum and settle their itself.. It is not too hard to start a institute there in Kerala but we should have some good contacts ... Some of my friends are there in EKM... How many days we will waste our good times in this desert and outside Kerala..So i decided to come back India after one or two years....Is it a good Idea?

Like everyone in our team i have also a dream.. That is my own business (Prefers a Computer Networking Institute) but i don’t know when it will come true...My Dear Friend Vibin Haridas CCIE !! Do u remember we had a plan to start our on institute in Eranakualm and we planned a lot but due to some $#%^&(*) reason it canceled.. Vibin u r a good tutor and u should guide lot more students  and enjoy ur freedom/life.Money will come and go but time that we wast will not come back ... No ur call u can deside ..

Thanks and Regards
Vivek Kumar V

1 comment:

  1. ഡാ..നീ എന്നെ കൊല്ലാന്‍ തീരുമാനിച്ചു തന്നെ ആണോ?....
    എന്തോന്നടെ..നാട് വിട്ടു പോയാലും രക്ഷയില്ലേ?...............

    ഈശ്വരാ..ഇത് എന്തൊരു എച്സ്പെരിമെന്റ്റ് .........പുല്ല് ...........പരീക്ഷണം
    ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പറയാമെന്നു വെച്ച തമ്മസിക്കൂലാ..
