Sunday, May 2, 2010

Life is an experiment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Friends !!

Hope all are Good and Enjoying their …life
Somebody told that All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better!! But I don’t have that much guts to Play with life ….Some Guys will always experiment with their life... really they are enjoying their life in their own way!!

For me everything was an accident ,it was not an experiment for me ..The main difference between experiment and accident is the awareness ..If we are aware(may be partially) about the result then it is a experiment but if were not aware about an incident then we can call as a accident ..

From day one In my life  everything was an accident ..Still it is going on …May be in future also it will continue !!!!!!!!But best think all these accidents was good for me and it never hurt me........ God thank you !!!!!!

Its time up Good Night Friends !!!!!!! See you tomorrow !!!!!!!!! Lot to discussed with you !!!

Vivek Kumar V

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